Dover NASCAR Weekend
It is already that time of year again when the NASCAR races come to Dover. We only live a couple of miles from Dover International Speedway. Over the few years that we have lived here I have had a couple of opportunities to go to the races but none quite as good as this year. […]
Lawn Care Season….
For the last few years I’ve contemplated getting a lawn tractor. I was either being too cheap or felt guilty for riding around so I would find an excuse to put it off another year. Our yard isn’t really that big but it does grow very fast and I have been finding it increasingly more […]
N9526J – Damaged by Another Plane
I’m too sick to explain too much but N9526J may have been damaged beyond repair today when another aircraft hit her when trying to land at 33N. The pilot was flying N41568 which is a plane Jeff used to rent as well. The pilot amazingly was not injured. A Cessna Skymaster was also damaged that was […]
Flight to Georgetown, DE
It was a beautiful February day so Jeff decided to go flying. He called up Andy P. to see if he was up to it as well. Hannah and Bryan also joined in the fun. Andy had flown with Jeff one other time a few months ago. They flew from Delaware Airpark (33N) to Georgetown, […]
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Just a short post to say that the website has been recently updated and that new pictures were added to the Family, Hannah, Bryan and Kids categories. We hope that you like them and that you have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 2008 has been a year that has flown by for […]
C-17 Flight – Niagara Falls
Jeff and Kevin Ripley were lucky enough to get nominated to participate in Employee Appreciation Day for the Air Force Reserves at Dover Air Force Base. They were nominated by Doug Shelton, a Kraft employee who is currently activated in the Air Force Reserves. They had breakfast and a nice presentation about the history of […]
Itching to Fly!
I just thought I should post quickly about how I’m really anxious to get back up in the air again with N9526J. The last time I flew was at the end of August to get the biennial IFR Cert done which passed with no issues. I flew up to Cross Keys Airport (17N) in New […]
Homebrew Session – Simcoe Select IPA
It has been quite awhile since I homebrewed, but yesterday I brewed up a batch with a couple of friends. This was the first batch that I brewed this year. Andy, Eric and Russ came over in the afternoon and we brewed a batch of Simcoe Select IPA that I bought with a gift certificate from Midwest Homebrewing Supplies […]
Flight with Gary M. in N28679
Gary called up Jeff on Friday afternoon and asked if he was interested in going for a Saturday morning flight. Of course I said yes. There has been kind of an inside joke that Gary has been avoiding flying in to Delaware Airpark (33N) and this was a perfect opportunity for him to come down. […]
Flight to Indy – Brickyard 400
Jeff and Bobby flew to Indianapolis on Friday morning, July 25th, 2008. We left early and were off the ground before 7AM to beat any of the summer afternoon thunderstorm possibilities. The weather on the way to Indy was very nice with only a few clouds around 5000′ as we approached Indy. We stopped in […]