Flight with Gary M. in N28679
Gary called up Jeff on Friday afternoon and asked if he was interested in going for a Saturday morning flight. Of course I said yes. There has been kind of an inside joke that Gary has been avoiding flying in to Delaware Airpark (33N) and this was a perfect opportunity for him to come down. Gary called me up around 9:45 and told me that he was on the ground. I quickly hopped in the truck and drove the short trip to the airport and met Gary. After a quick visit to my plane to grab my headset Gary and I hopped into N28679. We taxied to the run-up area and heard some other pilots in the area of 33N. One was on a final to runway 9, low approach only but winds were favoring runway 27. To me this sounds like a recipe for disaster so Gary
questioned the aircraft about his position. The pilot seemed rather confused and then called off his low approach and said he would be entering the downwind for 27. Just at that time a Bonanza also announced that he was coming in from the north to enter a downwind. I wish I had more pictures but they were very close to each other right around mid-field downwind and I would bet at least one of them didn’t see the other. Then, to top it off the Bonanza was in the lead on downwind and told the other aircraft to turn his base and land which he did. Only problem is that the Bonanza also turned his base. Both were on final at the same time and the Bonanza touched down while the other plane was still on the runway.
Finally after the traffic cleared Gary took off and we headed across the bay. He took the GPS 32 approach into Millville (KMIV) and did a very good job. The picture is when Gary was under the hood flying his approach. A little rough landing and Gary decided to go around. The second one was better. Gary is a bit hard on himself on the landings but what pilot isn’t? After Millville we took off and headed towards Cape May (KWWD). Gary circled the ferry terminal and then we
entered a downwind for runway 28. A much nicer landing. After a short stretch and me trying to shake off an upset stomach we jumped in the plane. Gary has flown with me twice and on both occasions I have gotten a little queasy. This is rare for me but Gary is probably afraid to fly with me again. We then headed back up the west Jersey shore and crossed back over the bay north of Dover’s airspace. A straight in approach and Gary’s best landing with me of the day back into 33N. He kept the fan running while I jumped out of the plane and I snapped a couple of more pictures of him taking off.
Thanks Gary for the nice flight! Sorry for scaring you about me getting sick. Next time will be better. Click here to see Gary’s blog post of the flight: Gary’s Flight Blog
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Glad your feeling better!!
So that’s what it looks like when I’m under the hood. Great shots, thanks for being my safety pilot, you should log at least .6 for the flight as PIC.
I racked up another 3 hours today with approaches into class C at KABE, Allentown. I’m dead beat tired and yes, it was bumpy again today.