Nashville – September 2011
The original plan was to fly to Nashville, TN for Labor Day weekend and to meet up with Gary and Mary Mascelli for a couple of days. Unfortunately, N2893Z was brought in for its biennial IFR certification on Thursday for what usually is only a few hour event. It was still in the shop by […]
It’s a Small World!
A couple of months after we moved to Monticello, Lori’s Uncle Bill stopped in for a visit at our new home in Monticello, Illinois. He told Lori that her Grandfather was from a town called Deland, which is the next town north of us, and he gave us a copy of an article of where […]
Walt Disney World – June 2011
For our 2011 Family Vacation we decided to go to Walt Disney World in Florida again. Surprisingly it has been almost 3 years since we went in September of 2008. Hannah is now 7 and Bryan is 5 so we thought that they would really enjoy it at this age. Lori and I really had […]
2010 Aviation Update
Well, everyone else is doing it so I thought that I would as well. I noticed both Rob and Gary put similar summaries on their blog so I thought I’d review my data as well. Here is a summary of my flying experience gained in 2010. 2010 Hours: 136.1 – First time to break 100 […]
Flight to Michigan – Memorial Day Weekend 2010
Flights – MI Trip – May 2010 – 2327-May-2010 11:05, Canon Canon PowerShot SD700 IS, 5.6, 5.8mm, 0.005 sec View at Picasa We flew the airplane to Michigan for Memorial Day weekend in May 2010. The trip had been planned for a couple of months and I started looking at the weather earlier in […]
Hannah Dancing at Her Talent Show
Here’s a video of Hannah dancing at her talent show. She is 6 years old and in kindergarten. Share this:
Myrtle Beach Vacation – April 2010
Flight to Myrtle Beach – 040210 – 0402-Apr-2010 07:59, Canon Canon PowerShot SD700 IS, 5.6, 5.8mm, 0.004 sec View at Picasa Early in the year we were planning a family vacation for Spring Break. The plan was to fly the airplane to wherever we decided to go. When we first started making the plans […]
I’m an Instrument Rated Pilot!
When I purchased N2893Z I was given a stipulation from my wife Lori. She said that she wanted to use the plane to go places and that if I didn’t have my instrument rating within one year that I would have to sell the plane. She also said that she would support the training and […]
Started my IFR training!
It has been something that I have wanted to do for quite sometime, but I have finally gotten serious about my IFR flight training. I had plans to start earlier in the year after I had some new panel lights installed in N9526J but that had to be put on hold for awhile after the […]
West Michigan Flying – July 2009
In July of 2009 the Frey Family took a trip to West Michigan to see friends and family. I hadn’t had any good rental options over the previous few months as my plane (N9526J) had been totaled by a pilot flying the plane that I used to rent (N41568). I took the opportunity on the […]